Hayley Newman – artist’s edition
Each year students from Oxford University jump off Magdalen Bridge into the shallow River Cherwell below. It’s been a longstanding May Day tradition (although banned in recent years).
Artist Hayley Newman collected headlines and snippets from the national newspapers coverage of the event. Many of these pick up on the injuries sustained (some quite serious), the statistics associated with the drop and the shallow river depth below.
Using a disposable underwater camera placed elbow deep, the artist photographed views looking up from the Cherwell. The piece was folded in a concertina in such a way as to hide the images.
The typographic design responded to the nature of the isolated headlines, edited texts and statistics.
The artist’s edition was created whilst Hayley Newman was the recipient of the Helen Chadwick Arts Council of England Fellowship at the British School at Rome and the Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University.